Mommy Maricel of Momhood Moments is having a Birthday Contest! She is giving a total of $30 cash via PayPal and a total of 875 Entrecard Credits for the 3 winners in this contest. Consolation price of 50EC credits will be given to non-winners.

More on the Prizes:

1st place:
$15 payment through PayPal
500 EC Credits

2nd place:
$10 payment through PayPal
250 EC Credits

3rd place:
$5 payment through PayPal
125 EC Credits

To Enter:

  1. Blog about the birthday contest with at least 60 words, don't forget to blog about the prizes and link to contest post and to Momhood Moments homepage (Required) - 10 entries
  2. Fave her blogs Momhood Moments and Business Mars) on Technorati. - 5 entries for each blog upon verification
  3. Subscribe to her feeds via email for both blogs (Momhood Moments, Business Mars) - 5 entries for each blog upon verification
  4. Stumble Upon both blogs (Momhood Moments, Business Mars) - not just the contest post. 5 entries for each blog stumbled upon verification
  5. Leave a comment in the contest post informing mommy what you have done.
Contest ends on October 31, 2008 and winners will also be announced on this day.

  1. Anonymous October 23, 2008 at 8:59 AM  

    Win Pirates of The Caribbean: At World's End DVD

    Ends October 29

  2. Heidrun Peters November 22, 2008 at 4:54 AM  

    Hi, I have a contest running all through November - please come and join.

    WIN A 50$ GIFT CARD! Or a Gift Certificate, whatever you choose.

    Win a 50$ Gift Card or Gift Certificate in the online store of your choice at My Power Mall (Choose here!)